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Afreya Covid-19 Update

Dear valued Guests of Afreya,

We are currently in the process of finding our new normal. Our salon is now open for business, however we are currently operating at reduced hours.

The days that we can guarantee we will be in the salon are Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

We understand the importance of following the social distancing practices, to ensure the safety of our community, due to this appointment availability will be reduced. We apologise for any inconvenience that this causes.

We also must ensure that we have enough time in-between guests for cleaning purposes. this also reduces our ability to offer a wide choice of appointment times.

As restrictions with in the community are reduced, we will continue to increase our contact hours with the salon.

The availability of Wednesdays and Fridays will reviewed weekley, so there is still a possibility of those days, however no guarantee. We would suggest to our guests wanting to book in an advanced appointment to favour the Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, as they are the days of the week we have confirmed in our roster as trading days for the next few months.

We also are offering a private room for our guests that are considered at risk, or for our guests that still wish to practise a stricter form of social distancing. This room ensures that the guest is isolated from the rest of the salon, with the exception of the time the guest would spend at the basin, checking in or checking out. Please note that this room does not have a private toilet.

We are looking forward to seeing you all soon, and hope that everyone has been staying safe and well.

Feel free to call the salon to make a booking at anytime, and if you can’t get through we will be in contact as soon as we are free.

Much love from the Team at Afreya.

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